Saturday, April 12, 2008


A few days ago I was looking at some pictures of my friend. There was one in particular where she was with one of her brothers and they were both laughing about something. She had her eyes closed because she was smiling so big, and didn't even know there was a picture being taken. It wasn't a forced smile that she created at the end of a three second count down.
But was something about that picture that made me smile and sad at the same time. There she was, a brief moment of pure happiness that engulfed her. That brief moment was captured on camera and it was amazing. Nothing else in the world mattered then. She was with a person she loved and they were both laughing at a now long forgotten joke.
After thinking about it, I've realized that I have no such picture like hers to turn to. I have no picture to look at and see a mirror reflection of myself where I was, for once, completely and utterly happy. All I seem to have is a few random pictures taken when I wasn't expecting it and ones with goofy smiles that I put on for laughs.
I want to look back years from now and see a long forgotten picture of a time that had been lost to me. I want to stare at myself and see something different. A small spark in my eyes where I am happy and I'll ask all the typical questions about what was making me smile so much. And when I look at my face of supreme happiness and joy, a small smile will begin to curl on the sides of my lips, making its way down my mouth until I stand in silence, smiling back at myself.

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