Sunday, July 20, 2008


It’s cold and the fluorescent lights reflect on the linoleum floor.

When you walk in the doors just keep walking straight, and to your right there will be an advertisement. It’s nothing you would notice unless you turned and looked directly at it. It’s for Converse and in it is a picture of a girl with really light blonde hair with a grey dress on and she’s holding a basketball in her hands as she laughs. It’s as though someone just out of eye sight tossed her the ball and she caught it just in time. She turns and laughs and, just then, the picture is taken.

I carry a walkie talkie when I’m at work. I pick it up when I walk in and carry it in my pocket all day. Throughout the day I hear people asking where items are or calling for help at the checkouts. It’s nothing that you would notice, just a steady noise I listen to as I work.

Every night I turn on the news and fall asleep to the low drone of CNN.

It’s really late at night, well I guess early in the morning, and the TV is still on in my room. It’s the background noise that soothes me. Floating through the air and I half listen as I close my eyes.

She’s wearing grey and she’s facing the other direction. The sun is shining and it’s so bright I have to squint my eyes. Where are those glasses she always wears? Never mind.

Hey Emma think fast!

I toss the ball lightly, making sure it arches in the air. She turns and catches the ball before it hits the ground, and then she begins to laugh.

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